
Security played always an important role in the process of building robust and reliable information systems. With more and more devices interconnected, cloud services, APIs and SaaS applications developed it’s very hard to keep a high level of security. The advancements in the tech industry and with more businesses making the transition to digital operations it became obvious that there will be people who want to find breaches and take advantage of low-security systems. Billions of personal data records are compromised yearly and this number is growing year after year. The attacker’s techniques become more sophisticated and the consequences are frightening. Security in IT systems is usually overlooked by the specialists and thus the press repeatedly report news about security breaches.

Today businesses need to find ways to implement secure and reliable IT systems for their customers by hiring good specialists and adopting security best practices. Security is an ongoing, and ever-changing, practice. Security specialists must design and build secure systems, try to break systems, detect intrusions, and lots of things in between. Some companies including big ones started bug bounty programs which allow developers find security vulnerabilities and get paid for their work. Companies need to educate their employees about standard security practices because usually, they hold some sensitive information about the company which can be compromised. With more automation in the modern development and a huge number of tools we use, we grant access to sensitive information without even noticing it. Companies need to take note of the tools/libraries before granting them permissions. All the communication should be encrypted by secured protocols like HTTPS. User authentication and privileges should be managed by project manages. Measures like 2-factor authentication, strong password generation, logging user activities are very important for a stable and secured infrastructure. A new trend in securing system is decentralization by implementing blockchain technology. This makes attacking a single node in the network irrelevant.

Our specialists can help you find and address vulnerabilities and provide support with necessary security measures.